With the rising condition of nickel price, now the nickel price has already hitted the highest level in recent two years. Because of this, Yieh& Tang Eng have adjusted the price for stainless steel to higher levels for fiting the price level of nickel.
Meanwhile, the stainless steel price in China is still in rising status, one is because nickel price is rising, the other reason, which is more important, most mills in China is in production limitation status with following the policy from Chinese government. Stock of stainless steel in China is at lower point than ever and someone predicts this situation would be kept for more while.
--TJC Stainless Co.,Ltd
Meanwhile, the stainless steel price in China is still in rising status, one is because nickel price is rising, the other reason, which is more important, most mills in China is in production limitation status with following the policy from Chinese government. Stock of stainless steel in China is at lower point than ever and someone predicts this situation would be kept for more while.
--TJC Stainless Co.,Ltd