Due to amount of stock for cold rolled stainless coils is getting less in Korea,and weak demand season in summer is finished,Posco in Korea is plan to raise selling price to local distributor with reducing value of discount.
Up to now Posco's cold rolled coil's market quotation is KRW3570000/TON(about USD3200/TON).The actual sale price is not published,there is news saying in this month Posco will low the discount KRW50000-100000/TON(USD45-90/TON) comparing with price Aug.Local 304 2mm's cold rolled retail price is about KRW3100000-3200000/TON(USD2735-2822/TON).
Early in Sep the price of Nickel rebounded a little,coupled with the price of cold rolled coil is kept in bottom level,most mills intends to raise Sep and Oct's quotation.Besides,People in Posco Steel revealed they will keep to control the production amount for stainless cold rolled coils.Which all the elements promote the plan of price rising in Posco.
TJC Stainless Co.,Ltd
Up to now Posco's cold rolled coil's market quotation is KRW3570000/TON(about USD3200/TON).The actual sale price is not published,there is news saying in this month Posco will low the discount KRW50000-100000/TON(USD45-90/TON) comparing with price Aug.Local 304 2mm's cold rolled retail price is about KRW3100000-3200000/TON(USD2735-2822/TON).
Early in Sep the price of Nickel rebounded a little,coupled with the price of cold rolled coil is kept in bottom level,most mills intends to raise Sep and Oct's quotation.Besides,People in Posco Steel revealed they will keep to control the production amount for stainless cold rolled coils.Which all the elements promote the plan of price rising in Posco.
TJC Stainless Co.,Ltd